Monday, January 14, 2008

Blogging for tips....

Hi everyone. I am going back to work next week, after 8 months away. Lily will be almost 7 months old already. I am probably going to cry that whole week every day in the car. The good news is that teaching elementary school kids leaves you little time with your own thoughts, so at least the day will pass quickly and I won't be feeling sorry for myself the whole time.

Lily should be having a grand old time with her Aunt Cassie and 2 cousins. I am jealous that Cassie gets to spend all that time with her. I have prayed God will give me the wisdom to recognize any opportunities that might allow me to spend more time with Lily and less time working. I haven't had anything appear yet, so perhaps God's will is that I continue to teach in my school. I do feel like I contribute to "society" by working in the Title I school that I am at, but honestly, I would rather be home with my daughter.

I suppose time will tell what I am supposed to do. If you could, pray for me that I also have the wisdom to see God's will for me and what to do about work/motherhood. Or, just send me tips for this blog and fund my Stay-At-Home-Mom career. :-) Thank you!


Pete Bauer said...

Unfortunately, society no longer supports a single income family very well. I know Dea and I decided for her to stay at home and the first five years of our marriage was brutally tough, financially. But, we made it through.

At least Lily will be with family. That makes all the difference.

Ramsey Days said...

I was pretty much just gonna say everything Uncle Pete did!

I am a SAHM, however, I watch my friends kids twice a week. That little bit of an income helps, but we still live as cheap as we can. It is very hard having one income.

I enjoy staying home with my kids, and would have it no other way, but it is tough, financially.

You are very fortunate to have family watching Lily. She will be very close to her cousins and that is important!

At least you get summers off, right? :)

Bob J said...


I stand confident knowing that God wil honor your faithfulness. Your willingess to bend to his apparent will at this stage is key. Doors will open and close thoughout and we just have to look to see the path God is guiding us on. Stand confident that our God will love both you and your daughter in all the ways both ypu and her will need. She lacks for nothing whose God is the Lord Jesus.

Love Dad

Ret J said...

It is very hard to do it with one family income. Even with 2 incomes it is hard. You and Alan worked very hard to have your finances last so that you could have 7 precious months with your daughter. I commend both of you for the sacrifices you both have made.
You have been graced with a beautiful daughter and you will be able to go back to work knowing that she will be lovingly and carefully taken care of by Cassie. God has honored you for all of your sacrifices by giving you loving family to care for your daughter.
Time passes quickly and before you know it, it will be summer again.
Love you, Mom

Cassie said...

I promise to take excellent care of Lily while you work. I'll tell her all day long how much her Mommy loves her and how her Mommy wishes she were there with us!

Anonymous said...

You will do great and it will help you to appreciate Lily that much more when you see her at the end of the day! It will be tough at first, but you will get used it after time and then once you have another baby, you will welcome the break away.... :) HAHA! She is in good hands and just pick up the phone and call on breaks if you have to for piece of mind. I did that when I went back to work...I must have called my mom a million times. But, it made me feel better. After about a week, you will get into a routine and your mind will be able to handle it better....good luck :)

Meghan said...

Wow, thanks everyone for the advice and support. I am blessed to have such good friends and family.

Alan said...

First day back to work has arrived...and almost over. I hope you have had a good day back and the kids were really happy to see you again.

I hope you don't feel too sad when you have to pump throughout the day. I can see how this would be tough for you especially this first week.

I am excited that Lily gets the sibling experience without having siblings. I don't think many people could say that their oldest child has had the experiences that our child will have. She will have the best of both worlds. When she comes home she will have all our attention because we've been at work and we missed her so much.

To me the sign from God is Cassie being able to take care of our daughter. I believe it represents what our family is about. Love and support at its best.

Anonymous said...

Meghan - I know I'm reading this way late and haven't had this experience yet. However, I agree with Katie when she says it is important for Lily to be close with her cousins. Most of us were fortunate to grow up within Florida, located relatively close together so that we could see each other often. That is rare, especially for such a large family. Those bonds at childhood will survive for life.

Even better, Cassie is the one taking care of her. And maybe, right now, both Lily and the kids at school need you. Maybe you are meant to impact multiple lives in a positive way.