Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back at work...

I have been back at work one month. It is amazing how much a baby grows in one month! During the month of February, Lily started clapping when people say, "Hurray!" She "dances" by moving her head around whenever music plays. She waves bye bye. She got her first tooth. And last night she started officially crawling. She has gone from a little baby to a moving infant with her own personality.

I miss Lily like crazy during the day. I am also ridiculously tired most of the time because her sleeping continues to be very erratic. Sometimes she wakes up once after 6 hours and then sleeps another 3 hours, or she has a night like last night and wakes up almost every hour. I attribute that to another tooth trying to come in.

It wasn't hard for me to go back in the classroom. This is my 7th year teaching so really it was like riding a bike. I just walked in and it was like I had never left. Finally after about 5-6 weeks the students are behaving the way I like them to behave. It took a few weeks to get things back how I like them.

I am considering job sharing for next year, which would allow me to work 20 hours a week sharing my position with another teacher. I anticipate it will be hard to get a teacher to coteach with though, since I am a music teacher. We shall see. I am thinking of it like this: if God intends me to job share, the opportunity will present itself. Again I pray for the wisdom to see it.

Babies are so awesome. This little person came from nowhere. It is really a miracle.


Anonymous said...

Lily didn't come from no where. She came from LOVE and that alone makes her wonderful! I will be praying for you that God's will be done with the co-sharing.

Love you Mom

Cricket said...

You have been tagged!! Here are the rules...
Create a post of your 6 Unspectacular Quirks.
Link back to the person who tagged you.
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Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blog letting them know they have been tagged.

- Uncle Steve

Pete Bauer said...

Meghan... update your blog.